Watershed Research Project
In June, 2013, a group of students from Elkridge Landing Middle School took part in our four-day Rockburn Branch Watershed Research Project. Students learned how to measure water quality and assess the health of a watershed. Then the students went into the field to collect data and observations from streams, ponds, and rivers.
At the different watersheds, we tested water temperature, pH levels, and turbidity. Turbidity is a measure of how cloudy a liquid is due to the amount of material or particles that are suspended in it. Our young scientists visually observed positive factors such as small fish and tadpoles. Negative observations included trash, abandoned pipes, and steep cliffs caused by erosion along a stream.
To learn more, take a look at our pictures, videos, and project data:
Pictures Videos Data Collection Overview
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Rockburn Institute 410-796-4554 dale.schumacher@rockburn.org