Community Health & Housing

There is a strong linkage between access to adequate and affordable housing and the health of a community. In Howard County, this is complicated by high housing costs.
- The lack of stable housing can affect one’s health as well as the ability to access quality primary healthcare. This includes physical and mental health.
- The reverse is also true. A healthcare crisis can quickly deplete financial reserves while also disrupting or limiting employment options.
Housing for seniors is a particularly important issue as housing may change or become unstable at the same time as mobility is limited or health is deteriorating and placing an increased burden on family members.
Rockburn Institute is focusing on these issues in Maryland and Howard County.

- We participated in the 2020-2021 Howard County AARP housing work group that produced the white paper Housing Work Group – Age-Friendly Housing Recommendations and Zoning Rational.
- Provided proposal outline to the Howard County General Hospital regarding land use and health.
- Presented to the Health Services Cost Review Commission Quality Workgroup recommendations to enhance person and community engagement. Contributors included Dr. Dale Schumacher, Jean James, Fern Nerhood, and Mike Tennor.
- Attention to housing and health is ongoing. Schumacher DN, Beilenson PL, Carlson R. Resourcing Primary Care In An Era of Health Care Change – A White Paper Discussing the Challenges and Solutions to Enhance the Availability and Affordability of Quality Primary Care in the Howard County, Maryland Area. February 22, 2010.
Documents available upon request.